2024 - 2025 BOOK CLUB

Grades 3 - 5


Do you love to read? If you do, join us on Thursday's starting January 9, 2025


Book Club, Session 3, will be 4 sessions with Mrs. Hodgson in Room 28 from 3:30pm – 4:30pm.  Students will be brought to the front of the school for pickup at 4:30pm.


Students will read The Lost Library by Rebecca Stead and Wendy Mass.  There will be some reading on your own, fun activities each time we meet, and a little time for snack.  Book Club Fee is $55, and this fee includes all materials for students and a snack.  Maximum participants for enrollment is 15 students.


Dates:  January 9, 16, 23, and 30



Fee for Parents: $55 ($15 is a fee for materials students will get to keep at the end of the class, and snacks)


Students may bring a nut-free snack to have before or during the class.


Additional questions please contact Kelley Hodgson at khodgson@simsburyschools.net.


If you would like to enroll your student for this club, please follow the link!  





 *Please note: PTO Scholarship Funds available: No student should be denied access to SQL Clubs and Activities due to financial hardship. Please reach out to Marisa Nelson (SQL Social Worker) mnelson@simsburyschools.net if you feel you may need scholarship help for this activity. All requests will be kept confidential!